Family Pictures (detail), 60 images, mixed-media installation, dimensions variable, 1986

Excerpts from Family Pictures  1982-1986

Family Pictures consists of sixteen mural scale images, texts and an installation of sixty small images.  The image/text arrangement plays with the passage from document to fiction and the effect of duration. The texts correspond in multi-vocal ways to the imagery. Correspondences are stated or left open to the reader(s). The juxtapositions of images and texts also serve as a rupture between the idealized representations we reproduce in records of ourselves and our families and the sense that nothing looks or feels quite the way it is supposed to.

Susan and Kurt, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Kurt and Joan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Kurt and Joan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Joan and Susan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Joan, Kurt, Patricia, and Susan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Susan and Joan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Joan, Patricia, Naomi, and Susan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Kurt, Joan, and Susan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Joan and Paula, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Stephen and Susan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Joan, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Stephen, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985

Susan and Stephen, silver print/mixed media, 4 x 5 feet, 1985


Excerpts from Portraits, 1980-99


The Economy of Desire, 1987-88